Research and innovation
Kekkilä-BVB Innovation
Innovation is at the heart of Kekkilä-BVB, aiming at developing high-tech Growing Media of constant quality by using locally sourced raw materials in combination with value added products that are plant or application specific, thereby focusing on a systems approach that has a sustainability gain.
The process is controlled by two in-house laboratories in the Netherlands, one in De Lier and one in Venlo, enabling laboratory analysis as well as growth trials on experimental growing media.

Circularity is one of the keys to a Climate-Friendly Future
In our quest for more circular raw materials for growing media, we’ve explored dozens of different materials such as cultivated fibers, seaweeds and paper fiber sludges, assessing their potential to be used and mixed with others. With the global population on the rise and the need for more food increasing, while arable land decreases, the demand for substrates to grow green food is immense.

Our Innovation team deep dives into the circular materials and additives
While many materials can be used for growing, not all are optimal for performance. The optimal substrate requires less water, fewer fertilizers, and fewer pesticides. Additionally, the demand for many biomass materials, that could serve as substrate raw materials, is high, as they have potential higher-value applications across various industries. We strive to find the right balance of raw materials in collaboration with our partners, customers, and other researchers. Recently we’ve completed the testing of 12 new raw materials, and most have not met the performance criteria for example fine flax or hemp chives. More research is needed to identify the most suitable substrate mixtures for future greener living and food production.
Research Location De Lier, the Netherlands
Innovation research laboratory
Physical and chemical properties of any raw material or growing medium are analyzed, as well as the biological stability. A phytotron enables well controlled growing tests for performance assessments of different substrates.
Quality Control (QC) laboratory
Daily QC analyses are performed to ensure constant quality in Kekkila-BVB’s substrates leaving the factory.
Research Location Venlo, the Netherlands
Innovation research laboratory
Physical and chemical properties of any raw material or growing medium are analyzed. A water-spraying table enables controlled water regimes to test effects on water holding capacities. Two reactors enable controlled experimentation on biological processing of raw materials, such as composting. A climate-cabinet enables controlled growing tests for performance assessments of for example casing soil.

BVB College
BVB College is our very own centre of knowledge consisting of in-class training, e-learning and self-study material. We are constantly gathering and sharing knowledge on substrates. We have partnerships with the agricultural university of applied sciences in ‘s-Hertogenbosch: “Hogere Agrarische School (HAS)” and Wageningen University and Research (WUR). Both our employees and growers can participate in the master classes at BVB College. With the increased knowledge growers are more able to assess situations and effects of growing media mixtures to improve efficiency and increase their return.
Some of our cooperation projects
EU LIFE research project
Kekkilä-BVB is involved in a research project that this year received a five-year grant from the EU’s LIFE programme to study the usefulness of anaerobically digested roadside grasses as a growing medium. D4 is in charge of project development. The biogas company HoSt will design and build the digester. Kekkilä-BVB will develop and purchase the digestate as a growing medium raw material.
Wageningen Plant Research at Wageningen University & Research
In our ongoing Public Private Partnership with Wageningen Plant Research at Wageningen University & Research, the aim is to develop and research the effect of new substrates. By using organic materials – in our case, renewable cultivated fibres – in growing media, we develop ‘Fit for Purpose’ substrates that are more sustainable for the future.
Microbiological Quality of Peat-Free Potting Soils
What is the role of micro-organisms in the health of plants and humans?
We are constantly looking for new solutions to help us grow more with less and we promote research projects with academic institutions and other industry players.
Latest outcome we want to highlight is about Microbiological Quality of Peat-Free Potting Soils in this project we work together with e.g. Wageningen University and other research institutes and peers in this industry.