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Emissions reduced with 40% changing to rails

January 8, 2020

Changing from truck to rail reduced Co2 emissions with 40%

Case: Through our LCA-ECI system we have insight in transport emissions, and we moved from truck to train and saved emissions (emission modality truck vs train). First step is to continuously reduce Co2 emissions by 2024.


Our raw materials are imported from all over the world and once they are mixed into a substrate, they are transported to our customers. As substrates are heavy, bulky goods which we ship to our customers to more than 100 countries, transport is an impact factor to be taken into account. Besides participating in several life cycle analysis (LCA) projects with organizations such as Growing Media Europe (GME), we also use an LCA system from Ecochain. This system allows us to gain insight into our footprint through an environmental cost indicator (ECI) and we initiate actions accordingly.


During 2018-2019, we have made several changes in our supply chain to reduce the environmental impact of our inbound logistics. One of them is by transporting block peat from Sweden to the Netherlands via rail rather than by trucks. Each year, we transport block peat from Sweden to the Netherlands by truck which amounts to around 900 trucks annually. By changing the transportation mode to rail, we are able to transport the same amount of goods more sustainable.


The emissions resulting from transport via rail we save environmentally approx. 247 500 kilograms each year. With the switch we are able to reduce 40% of the Co2 emission compared to supply by trucks.

Approx.  96% of our supplies of block peat from Sweden is replaced by train. This has all happened in two years.

Questions about sustainable food and living? Contact Julien Boijmans.
