Kekkilä-BVB took part in the EU funded project BIOSCHAMP. The BIOSCHAMP aims to develop an integrated approach to tackle the mushroom cultivation challenges: an alternative and sustainable peat-free biostimulant casing for the mushroom industry, reducing the dependency on and need for pesticides and contributing to improve the productivity, the sustainability, and the profitability of the European mushroom sector.
The project started on October 2020, and was closed In the Autumn of 2024. Altogether 12 partners from 6 different countries took part in the project:
The Mushroom Technological Research Center of La Rioja (Asociacién Profesional de Productores de Sustratos y Hongos de La Rioja, Navarra y Aragén) (ES) (ASOCHAMP-CTICH)-Project coordinator-, Inagro vzw_ (BE), Stichting Wageningen Research (NL), CSIC (ES), Fertinagro Biotech (ES), Ekofungi (RS), Innovarum (ES), EUROCHAMP (ES), Kekkilä-BVB (NL), NF Fibre B.V. (NL), Uprawa Grzybéw tukasz Kiwata (PL) and University of Oxford (UK).
To see more details, visit project website: www.bioschamp.eu BIOSCHAMP Twitter: https://twitter.com/BIOSCHAMP BIOSCHAMP LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/bioscham
This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovatirogrammon pe under Grant Agreement No. 101000651.
Read more about the project and its finindings in a conclusion article by Senior Researcher Rxanne van Rooijen.