Many ongoing crises and challenges force European producers and decision-makers to think how and where healthy green food is grown in the future. Decisions made today will have significant impacts on both the horticulture industry and the lives of all Europeans.
The Grow festival was created in 2019 by Kekkilä-BVB to explore solutions to diverse challenges in the green food ecosystem. This year, we will focus on building understanding of how recent developments and future changes will affect European plant-based food production and what needs to be done to secure the right to safe green food for all our citizens.
Join us to make a difference!
Panel discussion in the Grow23 webinar April 20:
Future of European plant-based food production – securing the availability of safe and sustainable green food for EU citizens
The war in Ukraine and the significant increases in production costs in agriculture have affected global food security and the availability and affordability of green food in Europe. Securing the availability of safe plant-based food produced in the European Union for future EU citizens should be a priority for EU decision makers.
Panel discussion in the Grow23 webinar May 24:
Current state and future trends in the growing media markets – enabling efficient and innovative growing methods
Recent developments regarding the availability and price of growing media raw materials have underlined the importance of maintaining a steady supply of critical raw materials produced in the European Union. The demand for growing media is expected to grow rapidly and all fit for purpose raw materials are needed to enable efficient and innovative growing methods in the future.
Panel discussion in the Grow23 webinar June 7:
Circularity in food production; future opportunities and challenges
The European Commission has introduced multiple ambitious targets to increase the sustainability of the European agricultural sector. The Farm to Fork strategy and the upcoming Sustainable EU Food Systems initiative are examples of a stronger emphasis on sustainable and circular food production. These efforts should include all parts of the value chain, including the use and production of growing media.
This webinar was a side-event of the World Circular Economy Forum 2023
Welcome to Grow23 Webinar - Future of Plant Based Food Production

Panel – Future of European plant-based food production; securing the availability of safe and sustainable green food for EU citizens

The ecosystem of data-driven growing

Closing of Grow23 Webinar on Future of plant based food production

Welcome to Grow23 Webinar - Future Growing Media
Introductory remarks

Panel – Current state and future trends in the growing media markets; enabling efficient and innovative growing methods

Innovation and the future of growing media

Welcome to Grow23 webinar - Circularity in food production

Introductory remarks

Panel – Circularity in food production; future opportunities and challenges

Live discussion - Circularity in future green growth

Join us to make a difference!
High-level remarks, inspiring discussions and in-depth sessions that help us build understanding of the complex issues, strategies, and repercussions of our mission to create a more sustainable future for our industry.
Watch also the recordings from the previous Grow festivals.